On the 26th May 2012, Innebandy!Co celebrated another milestone of their achievements and another year of their existence in the floorball world. Established since 2003, the club is still growing and glowing in it's community.
This year's annual dinner attracted 30 members to join in the fun-filled celebration. There was something new in this year's celebration dinner and it's none other than the InneDraw! 29 prizes were up for grab including an OxDog floorball stick which was co-sponsored by
Fidem Sports, 2 Unihoc stick bags, 2 Unihoc water bottles, a Phiten Racing Bracelet, 3 Adidas water bottles, 4 Nike accessories, a Reebok socks, 4 GSC movie tickets, 4 PowerBars, 3 LiveStrong wristband, 2 Sushi King vouchers and 2 Marry Brown vouchers.
InneDraw prizes except the 2 cups |
Before dinner, 1st round of InneDraw prizes were given out. Indian cuisine from Jaya Caterer was served during the night, with a simple meal of Nasi Tomato, curry chicken, mutton, chinese style fried vegetables and watermelon. Many find the food a little too spicy but overall the food was good and everyone enjoyed it.
Sam announced that everyone are discourage from sitting with their own clicks and were told to mixed around as they will be tested on their knowledge and understanding of a member of the opposite sex later.
After dinner, it was getting to know your teammates session facilitated by Sam, James and Lin Ken. Some manage to answer the questions posted to them and some failed. Unfortunately even during off trainings sessions, push ups were given to those who failed.
A photo presentation of the PFL 2012 highlights were presented thereafter. Creative and imaginary captions done by our very own James Looi tickled and entertained all that were present. It was a sweet journey looking back at the team's effort and journey towards victory. James added that the club's 'Independent Culture' philosophy made them stood out amongst the rest as there were pictures of the team clearing the boards and were told to keep that up.
Our team manager, Deswyn Wan then took the stage and gave a welcoming speech. A little introduction of Innebandy!Co to the newer members were shared together with the 6th law of victory which is, 'Commitment is Unquestionable'. He talked about the importance of commitment towards the club and the fruits bore from this trait. He added, the success of the club was owed to players who have been Innebandy!Co since the beginning and thank their commitment towards to club.
He then continued with the Award Ceremony which was given out by Tabernacle Of Praise's senior pastor, Rev. Gideon Lee. This year, 10 awards were given out to appreciate and acknowledge the effort and commitment shown by the players. Each recipient received a certificate for their achievement. The recipients were:
- Player Of The Year Award (Men) - Sam Teoh
- Player Of The Year Award (Women) - Cheah Pei Yi
- Best Rookie Player Of The Year Award (Men) - Radin
- Best Rookie Player Of The Year Award (Women) -Winnie Giam
- Team Player Award - David Kok
- Insane Courage Award - Joshua Loh
- Most Creative Player Award - Bryan Looi
- Most Committed Player Award - Lin Ken, Jason Chew, Sybrina and Josephine
- Law Of Victory Award - David Kok
- Training Philosophies - Bryan Teoh
Next was a short game which never fails to put laughter on everyone's face, the balloon game by Sam. It was guys versus girls, and the loser will have to wash the utensils at the end of the day. The girls were more cool and calm when playing this game, on the other hand, the guys were all crazy and high but weren't that effective, causing them to lose by 3 laps. But it was super hilarious with the things they can do with the balloon.
The finale of the night was the 2nd round of InneDraw, everyone was hoping to bring that floorball stick back home. The moment came when Deswyn Wan drew the last number and announced the number. It was full of suspense as the number wasn't read instantly. "2 digit number with 0 in it." he cheekily said. And the grand prize winner goes to *drum rolls* ... ERIC WONG! He was laughing hysterically with excitement written all over his face.
Innebandy!Co would like to take this opportunity to thank their sponsors again, first and foremost, Pastor Gideon Lee for opening up the hall, Fidem Sports for co-sponsoring the stick, James Looi on behalf of Wesley Methodist Church for their cash contribution to the InneDraw prizes, Deswyn Wan and Sam Teoh for the Unihoc stickbags, Mr John Jonathan Leong for the Phiten Racing bracelet and Mr Lim Kok Heng for the cash contribution as well. And to the rest who wished to remain anonymous.
We shall see you all again next year for our 10th Annual Dinner.
**Pictures to be uploaded.