If you knew my story, you would probably say I’m crazy or too daring. Yet here I am, telling you one of my most amazing experience in floorball to you.=) But firstly, there are 2 people I would like to thank. Firstly, God. Who made all things possible, that I’m here to tell you about my game; and the 2
nd person is CuiLin. If it wasn’t her, I wouldn’t have signed up for PTPY Challenge (Play In A Team, Play For Yourself).
I have been studying in Sabah for a year and since then, I haven’t been going for any floorball training. And believe me or not, PTPY was the first time I held my floorball stick after a year of “floorbal-less”. Haha! The night before PTPY, I seriously thought of not going for it the next day. As you guys know floorball is not an individual game. It is a game where if one of your team player doesn’t push hard enough, it will jeopardize your whole team and there goes your game! And even though PTPY stands for Play In A Team, PLAY FOR YOURSELF, no matter what, I’m representing Innebandy! Co. How I play in the court is a reflection of how our floorball club is. I wasn’t ready to let Innebandy nor my team players down. So the next day, before I head for PTPY, I said to God, “If you’ve brought me here, then bring me through it.” And God was faithful. =)
PTPY was a good way to improve one’s skills and to know one’s strengths and weaknesses. Playing with different people in each game allows you to communicate more with your team players and learn to be more flexible in your positions because you cannot be forever in defense or forward position. And tell you a secret: I wasn’t able to score any goals during PTPY. (Don’t laugh ok? You have to know I haven’t been playing for a year. Haha!) However, like what I’ve mentioned, God was faithful. I wasn’t that good in forward position but I gave my very best. After first 3 games, I got back to what I do best – defending. And from the first round til the very end, I had the highest points among the other girls. I didn’t do this on my own ‘cause I knew I couldn’t. But God’s fingerprints were found everywhere that day. From changing my group number (I was actually E4 but became E5 – the luckiest number ‘cause I get to play in a team with good players) to being the one with highest points all the way. Haha!
At the end of the day, I lost to the champion by one penalty but I was already very grateful. It was a great experience to be able to play with different good floorball players and to learn from them. But most of all, what I learn most is to see God’s faithfulness in our lives. Sometimes, a little prayer and faith is all we need. And to all Innebandy floorball players or of any sports, talents are given by God, be humble, do your best and God will definitely do the rest. One team, One way!=)